
A product is the result of a job. We proudly invite you to taste the results of our sustainable practices. Our products are suitable for you; they highlight your responsibility with your health and the environment.

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Banana Vinegar

Our ancestors have used fermentation as the most efficient method to preserve food without losing nutrients. Some local people still maintain the tradition of making vinegar from various fruits, especially pineapple and banana. Tierra BellBaum offers raw and flavored vinegar, naturally organic.

Cacao Nibs

Cacao nibs are cacao seeds that have been fermented, dried, roasted, peeled and crushed -all handmade. We only grow the national variety, well known as – Fino de aroma or Cacao Nacional. We offer  authentic nibs: no added sugars so as to preserve their slightly bitter taste.


It is a spice that is frequently used in Indian cuisine. However, this root is more than an essential ingredient for cooking. It has a long history of medicinal use in both Chinese tradition and Ayurvedic medicine.

Turmeric ” Manabí Organico” produced by Tierra BellBaum and Río Muchacho Organic Farm offers an extract that contains 100% Curcuma Longa. It is free of additives and excipients.

Organic Cheese

We are responsible for growing the food that will nourish our cows. Furthermore, the cows graze in paddocks handy worked. Consequently, we guarantee healthy cows that produce a clean milk. Organic and delicious cheese is the result of these practices.

In addition to plain cheese, we also offer herbal cheese made with herbs such as Moringa, Rosemary, Basil, Oregano and some others that grow in our fields.

Organic seasonal fruit

Banana, papaya, oranges, mandarine, mamey (Santo Domingo apricot), starfruit, avocado, mango…a fruit salad growing on the fields.